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Unbelievable: Stones that Grow And Move

Published on: Tuesday, 20th February 2018 11:17 AM     By      Administrator


 There are stones in Romania Called Trovants that grow and multiply after rain shower.



Many people in Romania take these stones at home and place them in their own garden to let them grow.



They grow from a few millimeters to as large as 10 meters. No one can say for sure how these stones grow.

Every time it rains, these stones like come to life and mysteriously starts growing.

However, these giant stones are not only able to grow, scientists have found that they are able to move from one place to another.

Many people believe that these are not stones but some bacteria or fungus.

But it has not been proven yet.

Even though many associate Romania as the country of Dracula, and some think of piles of bloodthirsty vampires other creatures created by the imagination of Hollywood, this country is also home to one of the most mysterious objects on Earth: Living Stones.

 In 2004, The “Muzeul Trovantilor” or “Trovants Museum Natural Reserve “ was commissioned to protect the unusual geological creations.


 Stones that grow and… move?

Scientists have yet to successfully explain’ how on Earth this is possible. However, WhenOnEarth tells us that “…any form of water rich in calcium carbonate is essential in forming a Trovant, and that is also the key to make the rock grow’ in the presence of rainwater. After every heavy rain shower, Trovants absorb the rain’s minerals. The minerals are combined with the chemicals already present in the stone that later creates a reaction and pressure inside. The pressure spontaneously makes the rock grow from the center to its margins and multiply, with a deposition rate of about 4-5 cm in 1000 years.

As many authors indicate, Trovants tend to appear with smooth and edgeless shapes.

Cylindrical, nodular, and spherical; Trovants develop inconsistent shapes as they grow and multiply due to irregular cement secretion.However, the living stones are not ‘native’ to Romania. You can find similar ‘rocks’ in Russia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, and other places.

 Here are a couple of videos:


Remember, if you ever go to Romania stop by Costesti and check out these fascinating yet mysterious formations that continue to amaze both Scientists and tourists alike.